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Your child wants to grow, learn, play, and interact with others. Sometimes, though, development obstacles can keep kids from experiencing life to the fullest. Our pediatric therapy sessions are designed to support your child in overcoming these obstacles, enabling them to enjoy a happy, healthy, and memorable childhood.

When you think of the words “occupational therapy,” you usually think of services given to adults. However, kids have occupations too: playing, learning how to care for themselves, and enjoying life. Our pediatric therapy sessions help kids with a variety of development issues, including:

  • Birth injuries and birth defects
  • Learning problems
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Autism and other pervasive developmental disorders
  • Broken bones or other orthopedic injuries
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Post-surgical conditions
  • Multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and other chronic illnesses

How do Our Pediatric Therapy Sessions Work?

All of our pediatric therapy sessions start the same way: taking the time to get to know your child, their history, and their goals and needs. From there, however, every session looks a little different. There’s only one of your child, so we’ll work to create a program that is specific to their needs. Depending on your goals, we may work with your child to help:

  • Improve their fine motor skills
  • Improve focus and social skills
  • Improve hand-eye coordination
  • Learn to complete basic tasks (such as bathing, getting dressed, and feeding themselves)
  • Show positive behaviors in all environments

If necessary, we’ll also evaluate whether your child has a need for specialized equipment, such as wheelchairs, splints, or dressing devices.

We know that your child might find therapy sessions intimidating or even scary. That’s why our team focuses on building rapport and creating a comfortable environment from the first moment we meet a new client. We create an engaging, encouraging, and fun atmosphere that keeps your child working towards their goals without any unnecessary stress.

We’re Here for Your Child – And for You

There are few things more difficult than watching your child struggle with a developmental obstacle. Our team is here to support you along with your child. Through consistent and transparent communication, we’ll keep you informed about your child’s progress. Our years of experience in the medical fields allows us to communicate easily with care providers, insurers, and other partners in your child’s care.

We’re looking forward to meeting you, and to helping your child learn, progress, and get the most out of life.